Lissa wears:
Exclusive item from Wild West Fair - Sale[Glitzz] Burlesque Glam Blue comes with:✮ Fitmesh Corset in 6 colors (Black - Blue - Golden - White - Red - Pink)✮ Hat✮ Stockings✮ Garter Belt✮ Panties✮ SkirtUnderwear in Layer + app for Physique Slink - Slink Feet - WowMeh - Lena Body - Perfect Body - Phat / Cute Azz - Ghetto Booty - Banned - Perfect Bum
R.icielli - CHER Mesh High Heels for Slink / Black [Materials]
~*Damselfly*~Campbell hair - Sale
[Pumec] - Vlada - spring - blond browns - GROUP GIFT FREE
[Glitzz]Jellyflower - Silver - Sale
Nice to Be Fair - 25/08 - 05/09
Mell wears:
Exclusive item from Wild West Fair- Sale[Glitzz] Burlesque Glam Pink
5 tones (winter/summer/spring ,autumn and dark autumn)
each skin tone comes with:
Hud with all appliers(slink/lolas/wowmeh/phatazz/Guetto, loud mouth etc)
Hud for Mesh Shape "Deluxe" *The Shops
Makeup layers (cleavage/ lips/eyebrowns)
5 colors of eyebrows (no/red/back/blond/brown)
Alpha Lashes
Ps.:In my opinion [Pumec] is one of the best and most complete skins that exists in sl, for cost-per-Effective and which has a coverage of almost all applications.
Na minha opinião [Pumec] é uma das skins melhores e mais completas que existe no SL, por seu custo-beneficio com uma cobertura de quase todos aplicativos.
By Mell Hammerer